Hi thank you for reading this page.

I would like to introduce myself to you - I am Dr Nick Croxton and I started my career as an aeronautic designer, working on such prestigious projects as Concorde and after a stint on strategic weapon systems moved to Germany and built a technical design studio employing some 45 people and became preferred supplier to Daimler Benz, Porsche, Hewlett Packard and Blanco amongst others. 

My passion has always been a hands-on approach. My dear departed father, formerly a mechanic, gave me my first car (I was 15 years old) a 1961 Ford Anglia and told me to get on with it. Recondition the engine and put it back on the road. It became a labour of love and after many, many hours it was at last beautiful, shining and purring. The satisfaction was immense. That sense of satisfaction is what I can offer you - to know your baby will be treasured and restored to the best possible condition  - to bring you pride when you drive it and me the satisfaction that you are happy with the result.

I can guarantee that my prices will fit your pocket and are always fair.

Thank you for your time

Kind regards

Nick Croxton


Ford Anglia Super

1962 Ford Anglia 105E Super